Jakubik, Jamie

Welcome to " Miss Jakubik's" Class Website!

Contact Information:
[email protected]
Phone: 732-885-1528 Ext. 5812

Welcome to First Grade!  This year will be filled with learning, lots of hands-on experiences, and fun times!  The following includes some helpful hits and important information to make this school year a success!

Our school day begins at 9:00 A.M. and ends at 3:15 P.M.  In the morning, students will line up in the hallway outside the classroom door.  Please do your best to arrive on time!

Attendance is very important.  If your child is going to be absent, please call the school in the morning to let the office staff know.  If you know in advance that your child is being picked up early, please let me know so they can be prepared.  You may send a note in with your student or email me.

Homework is given Monday - Thursday.  Your child will bring their folder home nightly.  This will have all homework, returned work and assessments, and important notices.  Please check your child's folder nightly.

Lunch is at 12:10 P.M.  We will have a short snack daily.  Please send in one snack and a small drink daily.  

A Scholastic Book Club flyer will be sent home monthly.  You are not obligated to purchase books through Scholastic.  If you do decide to order books, please consider ordering online to earn our classroom free books. 

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.  I am looking forward to this school year and working together as a team to make this the best year ever!

Miss Jakubik

Specials Schedule

Monday- Gym and Spanish (Please wear sneakers)

Tuesday- Spanish

Wednesday- Art

Thursday- Library

Friday- Music